You know what your friends, parents, colleagues, neighbors, and even strangers think you should do in your career.

The one thing you don’t know is what YOU want.


Whether it’s been a month, a year, or a decade, waffling about whether it is the right time to make a change is exhausting.

With no clear idea of what you want, you get antsy about leaving your job, focused on external measures of success, and distracted by shiny jobs. Quitting starts to seem like your only option, but will the grass actually be greener elsewhere?

And how many people have expressed that you should take X job because X job is a “good job”? Or told you that you’re not living up to your full potential because you’re able to coast in your current gig. 

The bottom line?

You feel your confidence slipping, and you’re questioning your ability to make clear-headed decisions (because it all feels foggy right now). 

How can you make a decision you know you’ll be happy with?

Well, let me help you take some pressure off. You can feel clear and confident in your career decisions. You just have to clear out the mess and find the truth of what you really want and need.

Right For YOU is the program to help you do just that. 

Introducing Right For YOU:

The career coaching course for analytically-minded folks looking to map out their career goals, increase their confidence in decision-making, and gain clarity on their next steps.

When you access Right For YOU, I’ll take you through my four-phase framework to shake off others’ expectations for what decisions you should make in your career and help you get aligned with what you want in your career — now and in the future.

Phase One: Release

Learn how to identify your career pressures, get clear on your job values, and release everything that doesn’t work for you so you can stop worrying about making the right decisions.

Phase Two: Clarify

Uncover what is energy-giving and energy-draining in your daily work so that you can focus on what to do more and less of, build compassion for yourself, and get real on what’s really working (or not) in the eight domains of work-life fulfillment.

Phase Three: Empower

Discover your true strengths, voice your unique value, and build your best-fit role so you can reclaim your story and intentionally drive your career trajectory. 

Phase Four: Activate

Make a decision with confidence so you can move forward with your work (and life)!


Right For YOU is your self-paced solution to the career confusion that’s kept you stuck and overwhelmed. Ready to take the next step?


What people are saying:


"I am starting my new job next week and I fully attribute it to this work. What's amazing is this job really works for me and I have so much more energy to succeed in it. It has been an amazingly positive impact on my life."

- Joe M.

“I learned how to ask questions about the things that were most important to me in a workplace and challenged myself to be more in control of my job search instead of feeling like I was at the mercy of the companies I talked to."

- Joyce L.

"I was able to come to a clear decision for what was right for me at this time and I feel very prepared and well-equipped to continue to evaluate opportunities and grow my career in the best way possible for myself in the future."

- Hannah J.


Have you said something like this lately?

“I worry about falling back into a terrible work situation. I’m scared of leaping into something and hating it.”

“I wish I didn’t feel so drained and stuck in my work, that way I had more energy to do the things I actually like.”

“I know I need to STOP comparing myself to others and focus on my own journey. But I know I’m not realizing the potential I have.”

These feelings stem from a central issue: confidence and clarity.

They go hand-in-hand, and lack of these elements results in an internal struggle to make deliberate, intentional, and conscious decisions. It also makes it harder to find your agency navigating the systemic barriers that exist for many people in the workplace.

There are 4 things keeping you stuck:


You lack clarity around what’s not working (and what you want).


You lack confidence (and are shaken from past decisions).


You don’t know how to communicate your worth.


You don’t know how to make decisions you'll be happy with.


Right For YOU will show you how to gut-check your intuition and trust your decisions regarding your career and next best move. 


Too many good people stay in bad jobs.


And sometimes, the reality is the job isn’t bad. Just your perception of it through the lens of others is what makes it intolerable. Your wants and needs from a job are completely different than everyone else’s, and you have to honor your uniqueness.

So what would it mean if things were to change? 

What would it mean if you could: 

  • Find the freedom of simply making a confident choice, rather than over-optimizing and over-analyzing every decision to the point where you take no action at all?

  • Gain a better understanding of what you’re looking for in life and what goals you want to pursue — and how work fits into that?

  • Be more in control of your career trajectory instead of feeling like you’re at the mercy of opportunities that fall into your lap?

  • Develop the confidence, agency, and ability to speak up for yourself in every professional situation?

  • Get better at recognizing your strengths and successes, rather than simply focusing on shortcomings?


This doesn’t have to be on your wish list. It can be part of your reality. This begins with Right For YOU. 


Here’s what you get when you grab Right For YOU

Instant Training Access

Move through the 4-module content at your own pace.

Interactive Content

Put your learnings into practice with resources you’ll actually use.

Tailored Framework

Create a one-pager framework to help you make decisions with confidence.


Your Investment: $150



"[Right For YOU] exceeded expectations! [...] The cadence was easy to follow and it was easy to get into the zone and feel inspired as I go. It's absolutely worth the investment. You will be able to more confidently solve and tackle career-related questions or problems with a fresh perspective and clear mindset, which are skills you will utilize in the long-term."



Former Googler turned Career Coach? You bet.

Hi there, I’m Lindsay Gordon. When I connect with clients, they often say they’re drawn to me because I’m not the average career coach. I don’t have an HR background, in fact, I have a degree in Engineering. (Surprise!) 

When I started on this path of coaching clients to build the careers they want, I did so from a place of really knowing what they’re going through. I’ve experienced that rock bottom of career dissatisfaction. In 2014, I was feeling disengaged and undervalued and couldn’t shake my negative attitude. The problem was, I was hyper-focused on all the negative parts of my job. What I needed to do was understand why my current role wasn’t a good fit for me and discover what would be a good fit. 

I took that experience and the new tools I created myself to navigate career change and developed a rock-solid framework that helps take clients from stuck and unhappy to renewed and invigorated. Most importantly, they experience the freedom of being DECIDED.

This framework is what I present to you in Right For YOU. 

So if you’re ready to dislodge yourself from the stressful vacuum of overwhelm, then here’s your chance to check out the course now. 


"The biggest impact for me was gaining insight on what I find valuable and important at work and how it fits into my life, which will inevitably drive the choices I make next and empower me." - Ilene P.

"This program granted me some much-needed relief at a frustrating, stalled point in my job search following a layoff. I found the perspective I needed to feel more motivated in a job search and more empowered in my career trajectory." - Juliana C.

"What I didn't understand until after starting the program was that there was nothing to fix. It sounds incredibly cliche, but the program gave me so many lightbulb moments that led to clarity and confidence in moving forward." - Alice T.


Here’s who benefits the most from Right For YOU

This course is a good fit for you if you are looking to: 

  • Escape others’ expectations and contexts for what decisions you should make

  • Experience an objective point of view on how to find a job that is a good fit for you

  • Stop “falling into” position after position and gain control over your career and the decisions you come across along the way

  • Show up incredibly clearly and confidently in interviews

  • Uncover why you make decisions the way you do and how to change your approach not to have a life of career regrets

  • Experience deliberateness and rigor in your decision-making with a methodology for evaluating future opportunities

  • Evaluate opportunities and want to be sure it’s the right choice, fully think through your motivations and considerations on next steps

  • Gain longer-term perspective on career direction, a way to articulate your strengths and a greater measure of certainty about why you’re on the path you’re on

Right For YOU isn't for folks who are:

  • Only happy if provided a super sexy and popular outcome of leaving your job in a whirl and “following your passion.” (In fact, you may uncover that staying in that “boring job” is the right move for you.)

  • Really wanting resume/interviewing/job search tactics/landing-the-offer advice. We’re going deeper in this course.

  • Needing someone to tell them exactly what they ought to do, rather than being given the resources they need to draw smart conclusions for themselves. (I’m like Switzerland, I’m told. Neutral, practical, and supportive of your success.)

Do you see Right For YOU working for you? 
Click below to gain access now. 



Things you may be wondering

Is this program self-paced or a group program?

Right For YOU is a self-paced, four-module program that you can go through at your own pace. You control how fast you move through the materials and apply the principles, and you can go back to previous lessons whenever you need to.

You have a book by the same name… do I need to have read the book to benefit from the course?

Nope, not at all! This program is designed as a standalone program for anyone who wants to learn how to make confident decisions and you do not need to have read the book to benefit from the course. If you have read the book, this course is a fantastic companion to everything you learned there, with even more exercises to support you! It will also provide you with videos to accompany all the lessons in the book and templates for all the exercises and frameworks.

You talk a lot about analytically-minded people, and you have an engineering degree. Is this program only for engineers?

Nope, not at all! This program is geared toward folks who tend to get weighed down by the details and small decisions (that feel like huge decisions) and who need help navigating their mind stuff and finding the next right move in their career. Program participants come from a variety of industries and backgrounds, and are welcome here.

Can I start taking action while I’m going through the course, or do I have to wait until I’ve finished all the materials? 

Absolutely get into action mode as soon as you’re ready! Each module is built to be actionable and applicable as you’re going through each lesson. Have a decision you need to make shortly? Jump in now and start applying the principles. So no, you don’t have to wait — get in gear and start making progress when you want to.

What if I have questions as I go through the course?

It’s expected that you’ll have questions arise as you process the materials in each module. That’s why we’ve built in resources to help you develop your own conclusions about your career, career path, and goals. If you find you really need to talk this out, I invite you to check out our one-on-one services page for more information about in-depth support.

What if I don’t like the program/do you offer refunds? 

If the course isn’t right for you, not a problem, I’ll offer you a refund with no questions asked.

I have another question you haven’t answered here!

No stress. If you have more questions about the course, just shoot an email over to with your question and the subject line “Right For YOU Course Question.” The team will get back to you as soon as possible. 



Rule #1 of A Life of Options: Complacency is NOT what we’re after.

Find the decision that’s right for YOU today.

I’m committed that everyone gets to learn how to make choices that feel good to them and thrive at work. Because there are systemic barriers that may make this investment difficult, especially for folks who identify as having a marginalized identity or gender, please reach out if the $150 is cost-prohibitive (